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Fragile X Syndrome
Identify a genetic cause of intellectual disability and autism to get early support and treatment
15 min15 min305 Neasden Lane, London NW10 1QR, UK
410 British pounds
Service Description
PCR Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is a genetic disorder. FXS is caused by changes in a gene called Fragile X Messenger Ribonucleoprotein 1 (FMR1). FMR1 usually makes a protein called FMRP that is needed for brain development. People who have FXS do not make this protein. FXS affects both males and females. However, females often have milder symptoms than males. Sample: BLOOD Results: 2-3 WEEKS Phlebotomy fee: Included in price
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or schedule, please contact us 24 hours in advance
Contact Details
305 Neasden Lane, London NW10 1QR, UK
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