Allergy Profile VII - Pediatric
Get valuable insights into your immune system's readiness to protect you against illness
Service Description
ALLERGENS TESTED: D01 Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (House dust mite) D02 Dermatophagoides farinae (House dust mite) E01 Cat dander-epithelium E02 Dog epithelium E03 Horse dander E204 BSA I F01 Egg white F02 Cow Milk F03 Codfish F09 Rice F13 Peanut F14 Soybean F17 Hazelnut F31 Carrot F35 Potato F49 Apple F75 Egg yolk F-76 Alpha-lactalbumin F-77 Beta-lactoglobulin F-78 Casein F-83 Chicken F-93 Cacao FX-10 Flour mix *(Note 1) GX-07 Grass mix *(Note 2) M-02 Cladosporium herbarum M-06 Alternaria alternata T-03 Birch pollen W-06 Mugwort pollen K-202 CCD4 NOTES 1) Flour mix: Wheat, Rye, Barley, Oat (flours that contain gluten) 2) Grass mix: Pollen of Cocksfoot, Meadow fescue, Rye grass, Timothy grass, Kentucky blue grass, Velvet grass SAMPLE: Blood RESULTS: 2-5 Days PHLEBOTOMY FEE: £20 (inclusive) Code:S-AP7-1TO5DAYS
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or schedule, please contact us 24 hours in advance
Contact Details
305 Neasden Lane, London NW10 1QR, UK