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AKT1 Full Sequncing
AKT1 Gene: Understand Your Cancer Risk.
15 min15 min305 Neasden Lane, London NW10 1QR, UK
1,500 British pounds
Service Description
AKT1 gene plays a crucial role in cell growth, proliferation, and survival. It's involved in various signaling pathways that regulate these processes. AKT1 full sequencing test analyzes the entire coding region of the AKT1 gene to identify any potential alterations or mutations. Sample: BLOOD (2 x EDTA) Results: 5 weeks Phlebotomy fee: £15 (included in price)
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or schedule, please contact us 24 hours in advance
Contact Details
305 Neasden Lane, London NW10 1QR, UK
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